20240508 美甲體驗(Manicure Experience)
20240508 美甲體驗(Manicure Fun)
20240508 華語互動(Chinese Interactive Course)
20240508 應日科和服體驗 ( Japanese Kimono Experience)
20240509 台南建興國中合影(Group Photo at Jianxing Junior High School)
20240509 建興國中國際交流(Exchange with Jianxing Junior High School Students)
20240509 建興國中學生孔廟導覽(Jianxing Junior High School Students Served as English Guides)
20240509 建興國中學餐體驗 (School Meal Experience)
20240509 與建興國中互動交流 (Exchange Activity)
20240509 與建興國中生合影(Group Photo with Jianxing Junior High School Students)
20240510 ABC牙醫診所合影(Group Photo at ABC Dental Clinic)
20240510 ABC牙醫診所討論分享(Sharing at ABC Dental Clinic)
20240510 ABC牙醫診所參訪(Visit to ABC Dental Clinic)
20240510 杉合復健診所健保體驗(Health Care Experience at Shan-Ho Rehabilitation Clinic )
20240510 杉合復健診所參訪(Visit to Shan-Ho Rehabilitation Clinic )
20240510 杉合運動醫學中心體驗(Experience at Shan-Ho Rehabilitation Clinic)
20240510 容康診所健保看診體驗(Health Care Experience at Jung-Kang Internal Medicine Clinic )
20240510 容康診所健保體驗(Visit to Jung-Kang Internal Medicine Clinic )
20240510 高大美杏生介紹(Intro to Gaoda Mei Shinsun Hospital)
20240510 高大美杏生參訪(Visit to Gaoda Mei Shinsun Hospital)
20240510 高大美杏生參訪合影(Group Photo at Gaoda Mei Shinsun Hospital)
20240512 快炒店體驗 ( Group Phoho at Quick Fry Restaurant )
20240513 午餐簡報會後合影 (Group Photo)
20240513 成大主題演講 (Keynote Speech)
20240513 成大安寧照護 (Visit to NCKU Hospice Ward)
20240513 成大門診醫療中心( Visit to NCKUH Outpatient Building)
20240513 成大前瞻醫材中心參觀(Visit to Medical Device Innovation Center)
20240513 成大解剖實驗室參觀(Visit to the Anatomy Laboratory)
20240513 成大榕園合影 (Group Photo at Banyan Garden)
20240513 成大臨床技能模擬中心(Visit to Guo-Ding Clinical Skills Center)
20240513 成大臨床技能模擬中心合影 (Group Photo at Guo-Ding Clinical Skills Center)
20240513 簡報會後全體合影 (Group Photo after the Lunch Meeting)
20240514 左營國中交流(Exchange Sharing at Zuoying Junior High School)
20240514 左營國中合影(Group Photo at Zuoying Junior High School)
20240514 左營國中合影(Group Photo with Sharing Students)
20240514 與左營國中交流學生合影(Group Photo with Sharing Students)
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